Come enjoy, and learn Hebrew with us online!
Kibbutzimer zoom programs
Our online courses will teach you Hebrew from the beginning, or help you improve your existing skills. You’ll learn to read, write, and speak Hebrew with other students and our Israeli teachers. Our classes cover practical topics like everyday conversations, songs, stories, culture, and politics. The courses last for a semester. For more details, you can contact us at
Our program offers...
Experienced teachers.
Personal guidance
Hebrew lessons -
One Semester long
Adaptation According
to your Hebrew Levels
High Quality video
Zoom programs
Niveau Bet + Gimel - Fêtes, chroniques et coutumes
Niveau Dalet et plus - textes relatifs aux fêtes
Niveau Dalet et plus - personnages, problemes et dilemnes
Excellent program!
Richard G.

Thanks to Kibbutzimer program on zoom. I made a great progress in Hebrew . The teachers are professional and very nice. We studied in a small and intimate group. We talked, sang, laughed – and all in Hebrew!
I have already registered for the next semester!! I highly recommend this program !
"Learn Hebrew over zoom! An excellent, excellent way to to learn Hebrew with you – the kibbutzimer programs !”
Gerlinde A.

I really enjoyed my 1 1/2 hour weekly Hebrew class with Rina. She is a gifted Ulpan teacher. She rises to the challenge of teaching our varied international class over zoom. Rina has the required sense of humour & patience. Connecting with fellow students over a class WhatsApp group helped me a lot. If you’ve ever wanted to study Hebrew, I highly recommend Kibbutzimer. It’s an opportunity to study with an authentic Israeli who is conversant with Israeli culture, politics & the Bible. Thank you for all the team !
Who is the program suitable for?
“For people who are unable to physically travel to Israel and want to experience a unique online opportunity with other people from around the world.”
People who want to read the Bible in the holy language. Our Bible studies are for people who wish an exciting journey looking for new meaning through the lens of the language. For more information about this course – contact us
Our program welcomes language enthusiasts worldwide. Enrich your language skills with us through everyday Hebrew, songs, current affairs, culture, and more.